Case Study - Data migration

Tamper-proof migration of 65 million documents into a new target system.

The modern structured and internationally oriented Tengelmann Group is one of the world's leading trading companies. With its business segments OBI, KiK, Plus and Kaiser's Tengelmann, the Group has subsidiaries in 14 European countries with a network of 4,357 branches and currently 83,655 employees.

The task
As part of the sale of the food discounter Plus to a competitor, all data relating to branch processes and accounting records must be kept available for auditing purposes. If necessary, the data must be retrievable quickly and in a targeted manner. Nearly 65 million documents from two archive systems are to be migrated to a long-term archive. In a tender, HAVI Solutions GmbH & Co. KG prevailed over its competitors as the most experienced company.

The data to be transferred with a total volume of approx. 3 terabytes comes from two source systems. Documents from Arcis (archive system of the company Ceyoniq Technologies GmbH) totalled about 47.5 million documents. The second system, IBM FileNet Image Service, has a total of approximately 17 million documents. This includes a dataset from both source systems, which has already been migrated by HAVI at an earlier date. This is available in an importable format.

Specification and implementation
After placing the order, HAVI takes over the project realization and coordination:

  • In the conception phase, requirements such as the archive structure or the access authorization concept are defined
  • This is followed by the migration of the data
  • The quality assurance with the passage of specially defined test procedures is carried out in close cooperation with the Tengelmann IT department
  • The documentation of all project steps as well as the preparation of a manual for the new product HAVI NetArc will be handed over to the Tengelmann Group after completion of the project

Based on the requirement profile of the Tengelmann Group, HAVI Solutions developed the HAVI NetArc in-house archiving solution in close cooperation with the IT department of the Group. Document access via the browser takes place with the help of easy-to-administer search interfaces. The tamper-proof long-term archiving of nearly 65 million documents on the newly developed archiving system as well as the implementation in the intranet of the corporate group was completed in less than a year.

"Die Firma HAVI war uns bereits aus einem vorherigen Projekt als zuverlässiger Partner mit ausgezeichnetem Know-how bei Dokumentenmigrationen bekannt. Daher haben wir uns wieder für HAVI entschieden und sind mit dieser Entscheidung auch im Nachhinein sehr glücklich. 

Auch auf zusätzliche oder im Projektverlauf geänderte Anforderungen reagierte HAVI jederzeit flexibel.“

Frank Hachenberger, Senior Projektleiter
Dokumentenmanagement Tengelmann Warenhandelsgesellschaft KG


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