Optimize data performance through proven products.

Resource-efficient organization, structuring, administration and archiving of data.

one man leaning on a desk

Reduce storage costs and increase data use with flexible and individual solutions from HAVI.

The HAVI product portfolio was developed on the basis of experience from numerous customer projects. The practical relevance and easy handling are thus guaranteed.

– Quick access to our products –

HAVI Health Check

The independent quality check of your data

High-quality data is the basis for strategic decision-making. As the basis for optimising processes and for the use of AI-supported procedures, its value will continue to increase in the future. 

Poor data quality is already costing companies an average of 15 to 20 per cent of their turnover.

There are many causes that can have a negative impact on data quality and these are often influenced by external conditions - a recent change of mass storage system or a move to the cloud - as a result, data is sometimes unreadable, untraceable or redundant.

As a specialised, manufacturer-independent service provider, HAVI has been migrating all archive systems of various sizes for 30 years and in over 800 projects

The HAVI Health Check is a central component and prerequisite for checking the ‘health status’ of your data in order to detect data quality deficiencies at an early stage, making migrations easier or even unnecessary.

Business processes are not disrupted and customer and employee satisfaction is increased.

HAVI AFP Solutions

Economical and flexible processing of AFP data from digital data streams.

HAVI AFP Solutions is a highly scalable software solution for capturing, separating, converting, distributing and archiving digital document and print data streams in batch mode.

AFP Solutions is mainly used by companies that process high-volume document and print data streams.

This solution is used by energy companies, banking houses, large print shops, telecommunications providers, data center operators and insurance companies, all of which have requirements for the optimal processing of digital printing and document data.

Benefits of AFP Solutions
Businesses appreciate the ability to provide their customers with convenient access to personal documents such as invoices, bank statements, or even policies, as AFP Solutions enables processing without any restrictions.

Benefits of AFP Solutions
Businesses appreciate the ability to provide their customers with convenient access to personal documents such as invoices, bank statements, or even policies, as AFP Solutions enables processing without any restrictions.

The key features at a glance:

  • Automatic separation of incoming documents
  • Automatic metadata extraction and classification
  • True to original reproduction of all common standard formats (PDF, PDF / A, PS, TIFF, JPEG)
  • Intelligent AFP resource management
  • Easy integration into existing IT environments
  • Individually configurable
  • Processing complex document structures
  • Support of barcodes, use or substitution of AFP character sets


HAVI Storage Connector

Migration without data movement. Time and cost saving.

ECM systems typically manage large to very large amounts of data. With document volumes of several billion files, the migration can often lead to unmanageable long project lifetimes and is associated with very high project costs and risks.

With the HAVI Storage Connector, we have developed a special solution for very large volumes of documents, which offers a real alternative to traditional migration. The HAVI Storage Connector can also be used for the quick and easy consolidation of various systems within a company.

During a migration with downstream deployment of the HAVI Storage Connector, only the document-related index information and metadata are migrated. The archived documents themselves remain unchanged in the storage of your source system.

Even after the migration has been completed, the old archive data and documents remain unchanged in the storage of the source system. Individual document files in the storage are now requested via the HAVI Storage Connector. The previous source system is no longer included in this process and can be removed from maintenance.

The advantages of a migration with the HAVI Storage Connector at a glance:

  • Pure metadata migration
  • Data / documents are not 'moved' - the source system can be switched off and the storage is retained
  • Shorter run times (e.g. fast TTM, ROI, introduction of new system)
  • Savings on licensing fees and S&M for the source system
  • Higher flexibility e.g. by delaying investment in storage investment
  • Suitable for large and very large data volumes of existing ECM / DMM systems

HAVI migbox

Audit-proof migration for SMEs. Easy setup. Automated processes. Scalable. Budget-friendly.

The HAVI migbox is a budget-friendly and automated solution for the 1:1 transfer of simple archives, which is quickly set up and intuitive to use. It is primarily aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) who want to migrate their data to a new system quickly, reliably and with minimum impact on resources. With the migbox, you benefit from HAVI's many years of experience without having to purchase extensive consulting services at the same time.

The advantages of the migbox at a glance:

  • Reliable and audit-proof data migration
  • Maximum automation, more freedom for other tasks
  • Transparency and control over running processes
  • Full flexibility
  • Migration from on-prem to on-prem or to the cloud possible
  • Cost savings through faster shutdown of the legacy system

Scope of functions:

  • Protected access to the source system
  • Filtering of the data volume
  • Mapping Tool
  • Read out (archive storage)
  • Metadata analysis
  • 1:1 migration (documents and metadata)
  • Test migration
  • Object transport with format fidelity
  • Migration report for revision security


Scalable in-house compact archive with search function.

HAVI NetArc is an efficient in-house archiving solution that is very easy to implement within the company intranet.

Completed archives such as annual archives or selected sub-archives are archived in an tamper-proof manner on HAVI NetArc. The document search and the document access take place via a web-based search interface. Completed archives such as annual archives or selected sub-archives are archived in an tamper-proof manner on HAVI NetArc.

The document search and the document access are carried out via a web-based search engine. The system consists of a compact, space-saving NAS filer with several hard disks in a RAID group.

The key features at a glance:

  • Tamper-proof in-house compact archive with search function
  • Easy implementation within the company intranet
  • Document access via internet browser
  • User Authentication (optional) Document retrieval via the DRB

In addition to the core module HAVI NetArc Core and the capacity-dependent storage component HAVI NetArc Storage, optional additional functional modules can be purchased:

  • HAVI NetArc Import: File system import interface for HAVI NetArc
  • HAVI NetArc Authentification: Add-on for user-dependent access permissions


The resource-saving long-term archive.

HAVI-Langzeitarchiv® makes it possible to outsource complete (partial) archives, annual archives or selected sub data to self-contained media or to store them centrally in the company network with little effort.

A real alternative to conventional archiving. It is not only useful for the day of the tax audit, but especially for previous years, which are no longer regularly researched and therefore need not be constantly available online.

With the LZA-View functional retrieval and display tool, the HAVI-Langzeitarchiv® is an intuitive and easy-to-use system for today's and tomorrow's requirements for tamper-proof storage and archiving of various types of documents as well as print output.

The use of the HAVI-Langzeitarchiv® relieves the archive server and avoids cost-intensive storage expansion.

The key features at a glance::

  • Use of standard file systems
  • Access via operating system functions
  • Supports DVD, CD and WORM / MO as self-contained media
  • Searches using several search terms
  • Support of background forms and annotations
  • Export of documents

Would you like more information about our services or products? Feel free to give me a call or send me an email should I not be available personally.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Felix Kneisler
Senior Consultant

Tel.: +49 40 696569-26
E-Mail: fkneisler@havi.de