Certified: HAVI receives European data protection seal EuroPriSe

HAVI Migration Procedure for highly sensitive data - Highest level of protection for personal or critical company data.

HAVI Solutions GmbH & Co.KG has been awarded the renowned European Privacy Seal EuroPriSe for its excellent data protection concept in regards to the migration of highly sensitive data.

If highly sensitive data are to be migrated, special precautions and deviations from the standard procedure for implementing data migration must be provided for. Highly sensitive data includes special types of personal data within the meaning of Art. 9 para. 1 GDPR (e.g. patient data), business and/or company secrets or secrets that belong to the personal sphere of the persons concerned. 

For the extraction and processing of personal or critical company data, HAVI has developed a special migration procedure in which the data is processed in a separate, highly secured environment. HAVI has no access to this data, but only the authorized employees of the customer. 

Trustfully secure handling of personal data. 
As part of an extensive data protection and data security audit, in which the technical and organizational measures of the procedure were validated, the migration service provider was awarded the EuroPriSe seal for exemplary data protection and data security during a migration. 

EuroPriSe is a trans-European privacy seal issued by an independent third party. It offers certifications for IT products and IT-based services throughout the EU. The EuroPriSe seal assures users that their personal data are handled in accordance with European data protection laws. 

Data protection has always been a top priority for HAVI. With the award of the Privacy seal, the migration specialist has received confirmation of its constant commitment to the protection of particularly sensitive data. The seal is a clear sign for a reliable, transparent and trustworthy handling of customer data.

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Katayoun Minaie
Sales & Marketing

Tel.: +49 (0)40 696569-10
E-Mail: kminaie@havi.de