Autonomous Migration with the HAVI Migration Engine

The HAVI Migration Engine is a customized migration software for autonomous processing and secure transfer of data from any source system to any target systems.

The high degree of automation of the solution allows the customer full control as well as independent management of the migration processes and guarantees a complete and complete traceability of the overall migration. 

The software consists of several powerful tools, which are configured by HAVI according to the individual requirements of the customer. This means that it is used as individual software at the customer's site and adapted to the specific migration project in the customizing provided for this purpose. Thus, even very complex requirements can be implemented. The customizing includes, among other things, the mapping, the transformation scripts and the check programs. HAVI does not need access to the original data at any time, so that the migration software is also a suitable solution for processing highly sensitive and/or personal data. 

The solution is especially interesting for large customers with high data volumes who are looking for a flexible, cost-efficient and maximally scalable solution for the migration of their data. 

The field-tested migration software is already in use at a large German bank, which successfully transfers data from various sources to a target system with our solution. The same is true for a banking data processing center that autonomously migrates the data of its individual customers into a new system. 

For further information about the HAVI Migration Engine, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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Felix Kneisler
Senior Consultant

Tel.: +49 40 696569-26